Generation 7; Chapter 17

08-08-16_9-15-28 AM

I hate seeing them like this.  I wish I could wave a magic wand and make everything better.

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But sometimes the best thing for them is to let them figure it out themselves; that’s how they learn and grow.

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I’m so grateful for Nathanael.  I couldn’t have chosen a better partner and father to my children.  He’s good at hands-off parenting–that is, until someone needs a hug.

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This afternoon, Nathanael helped me plant the apple orchard I’ve been planning since before the new house was constructed.

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I’m excited to bring new life to the property.  Nathanael just wants fresh apples for his homemade apple pie (not that I’m complaining!).

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Then we had dinner as a family, a rare treat.  Kylie loved it — she went on and on about her “crazy fun” day at school.

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That reminds me–I need to help her with her homework tonight.  Apparently Dale and Jenna have a date!

4 thoughts on “Generation 7; Chapter 17

  1. Yay! Finally! I hope the date goes well. I really like the continuity of the last three chapters: seeing Bliss there at the computer ties them together so well!

    And what’s that she’s sprinkling onto the apples seedlings? Parmesan cheese? LOL! I’m guessing it’s some kind of fertilizer, but I’ve never seen that before!


    1. I hope the date goes well too. I always saw Bliss as an “integrative medicine doctor” — healing the body, mind, and spirit. Though she probably shouldn’t be having counseling sessions with her kids… Parmesan — maybe that’s the secret to Nathanael’s success as a chef, lol!

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    1. They’re the happiest couple I’ve played yet! There’s something to letting your Sims pick their partners. I would never have chosen him, but he’s been a great husband/father, so I can’t complain!


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